Covenants & Prophecy

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These videos explore the Old, New, and Everlasting Covenants, prophetic truths, and the distinct roles of the Church and Israel in God's plans. They distinguish between different covenants and their significance in salvation, highlighting the unique role of the Church while acknowledging God's future purpose and role for the nation Israel. Understanding the nature of the Covenant that the Father made with the Son as the basis of our salvation our life and our destiny and distinguishing it from covenants made between Christ and the nation of Israel is crucial for having a thorough grasp of grace and allowing it to really touch every area of life.

New Covenant - Not For The Church - Essentials

New Covenant - Not For The Church - Essentials

This content emphasizes the distinction between the New Covenant and the Everlasting covenant to dismantle legalistic views that center around New Heart and New Covenant teachings

Rapture Truth Videos

Rapture Truth Videos

This content focuses on the theological interpretation of end-time prophecies, particularly the rapture, emphasizing the distinction between the church and Israel, the importance of understanding prophecies in context, and encouraging believers to live in anticipation of Christ's return.

Prophecy Fundamentals - Daniels 70Th Week

Prophecy Fundamentals - Daniels 70Th Week

This content emphasizes the importance of understanding biblical prophecy, particularly Daniel's 70th week, to avoid gospel misunderstandings, highlighting the distinction between the church and Israel, the literal interpretation of prophecies, and the grace-oriented nature of faith, while promoting peaceful fellowship among believers.

2 mountains 4 views - zion and sinai - gal 4, heb 12, rom 7 and 8 and 1 cor 3)

2 mountains 4 views - zion and sinai - gal 4, heb 12, rom 7 and 8 and 1 cor 3)

This content explores the theological contrast between law and grace, represented by Mount Sinai and Mount Zion, emphasizing the freedom found in God's grace, the transformative power of Christ, and the importance of a Christ-centered approach to the Bible and ministry.

The New Creation Hidden In Christ Flows From God

The New Creation Hidden In Christ Flows From God

The new creation is not something that you can see by looking at yourself. It begins with a river that flows out of the God and of the lamb and is only beheld in Christ.

Prophetic vs mystery distinctions

Prophetic vs mystery distinctions

This content explores the theological distinctions and unique roles of the Church and Israel in God's eternal plan, emphasizing the Church as a New Testament mystery and Israel's future salvation, while highlighting their respective inheritances and relationships with Christ.

The Church Is Not Israel

The Church Is Not Israel

This content emphasizes the theological distinction between Israel and the Church, critiquing allegorical Bible interpretations, underscoring the unique identity of believers under Christ, and advocating for a literal understanding of biblical prophecies.

On The New Covenant

On The New Covenant

This content emphasizes the distinction between the New Covenant (for Israel and Judah) and the New Testament (the inheritance for all believers through Christ).

Understanding the Covenants

Understanding the Covenants

Emphasizes distinct roles of the Church and Israel in God's plan, highlights the New Covenant's future role for Israel, roots the Church's spirituality in the New Testament and Everlasting Covenant, and cautions against misinterpretations.