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In the busyness and struggles of life, it can be easy for believers to lose sight of the fundamental truths of the Gospel that give us our identity in Christ. Though we have been given new life through faith in Jesus, our minds often slip back into old patterns of thinking and relating to God and others. This devotional aims to counteract those tendencies by encouraging readers to regularly preach the Gospel to themselves.

The goal is to digest and internalize the truths of Scripture on a heart level, not just an intellectual level. The devotional walks through key verses that reveal our position and identity in Christ - truths that are just as true on our worst days as our best days. Each section includes an example prayer and confession to turn the theology into intimate fellowship with God. As we abide in Christ through meditating on His word, the Spirit renews our minds and bears witness to our spirit that we are indeed beloved children of God.

It is so easy to read the Bible for information without allowing its truths to penetrate our hearts in a transformational way. By prayerfully reflecting on the implications of our position in Christ, the objective facts become a subjective experience. Our faith is strengthened, assurance grows, and this becomes a foundation for peace and joy in the Christian life that cannot be stolen. The enemy's lies lose their grip, and we walk in freedom.

This devotional provides a simple but powerful tool to learn to be renewed by refreshing yourself in Gospel truth.